Design and assembly of an apparatus system based on the villari effect for detecting stress concentration zone on ferromagnetic materials
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Doan Thanh Dat, Le Thi Hong Giang, Nguyen Dinh Dung, Hoang Anh Tuan, Nguyen Thi Le Hien. Vietnam Petroleum Institute. Email:
This paper presents the study results on the fabrication of a structural integrity assessment apparatus by determining stress concentration zones in pressure pipeline and equipment. The apparatus uses a triaxial magnetic field sensor to measure magnetic field components in three axes Ox, Oy, and Oz, in the working range of the magnetic field from -300 μT to 300 μT. The investigation of the selfmagnetic leakage field by this apparatus in the API 5L steel specimens under tensile stress shows a high variation of the magnetic field at a steel elongation lower than 1 mm (corresponding to the elastic deformation state of the material). In the case of an artificial defect, the apparatus can detect a change in the magnetic field caused by stress concentration.
Key words: Magnetic field apparatus, stress concentration zone, integrity assessment, defect detection, self-magnetic flux leakage.
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